Webinar: Are insurers ready as ADAS goes mainstream?

National Windscreens in the UK, who along with Mr Windscreen are members of the Automotive Glass Network (AGE), recently published a survey in conjunction with Insurance Post on the subject of ADAS and insurers.

It found that 1 in 3 insurers who responded said that their book was ADAS-enabled. At the same time many insurers conceded that it was difficult to get definitive data on which vehicles were fitted with which ADAS features. One in three said they were taking no action to identify ADAS features for underwriting purposes. Next year certain advanced driver assistance systems will be become mandatory for new cars sold within the EU.

As part of the survey, the Insurance Post in association with National Windscreens hosted a webinar with UK industry experts to discuss key issues around ADAS and the insurance industry.

Topics included:

– How to address the problem of insurers struggling to identify the ADAS features on a vehicle, and how manufacturers can help.

– How and which ADAS features reduce claims costs for insurers and when will the full benefits be seen

– Repair times and costs for ADAS-enabled vehicles; how can these be reduced?

– How do insurers ensure that ADAS repairs are being carried out to an acceptable standard?

Most of the issues raised will resonate with those working in the sector here in Ireland.

You can sign up here to view the webinar in your own time.

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